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Tips for Cleaning Your Glass Shower Doors

Blog Tips For Cleaning Shower Door

Do you have glass shower doors? Cleaning glass shower doors is simple, straightforward, and one of the best ways to keep your bathroom in perfect condition. A good cleaning can get rid of pesky water spots and leave your bathroom looking shiny and new.

Necessary equipment:

  • Spray Bottle
  • Sponge
  • White Vinegar
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Baking Soda
  • Cloth or Towel

To begin cleaning your glass shower doors, make sure that you wet the glass with water. You can do this by either spraying down the walls with your shower head or by filling a bucket with water and splashing it along the walls and doors.

Then, fill a spray bottle with warm white vinegar. To warm the vinegar, microwave for 30 seconds. Once the vinegar is in the spray bottle, mist the area you are cleaning and allow the vinegar to soak for up to ten minutes, longer if the soap scum buildup on the walls is particularly thick. The acidic components of vinegar will break down any soap scum on your glass shower doors and make it easier to clean without leaving behind streaks.

Put on your rubber gloves and dip your sponge into the baking soda. The baking soda will act as an abrasive to help scrub off hard-to-remove stains while the vinegar dissolves water spots and soap scum. Use your sponge to scrub the surface of your shower glass until clean.

Once the glass looks clean, you want to rinse the vinegar and baking soda off with warm water.

When the vinegar and baking soda are washed off, take your towel or cloth, and dry the glass to ensure all spots have been cleaned.

Keeping Your Shower Glass Clean

To keep your shower glass clean long after scrubbing away the soap scum, consider investing in a daily maintenance schedule. Daily maintenance doesn't have to be particularly cumbersome.

This is all you need:

  • A Squeegee
  • Daily Shower Glass Cleaner
  • Cloth or Towel

Each day swipe the remaining water from the door of your shower once you've finished bathing with your squeegee. This will help to protect against hard water spots on your shower doors.

Once you've finished squeegeeing, wipe down your glass shower door with a towel or cloth.

To finish your daily maintenance routine, spray down your glass shower doors with a daily cleanser, and keep the doors open to promote air circulation.

Keeping your glass shower doors clean between deep cleanings allows you to go longer between deep cleans. It also ensures the proper care of your shower glass, which will help you glass shower doors last longer and remain in better overall shape.


Do you have questions about glass shower door maintenance? Contact Shower Doors of Austin today to learn more about how to take care of your shower glass.

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If you are looking for custom shower glass or shower doors in Austin, call us today at 512-831-3651 or schedule your free estimate